What to include in your Media Kit

What to Include in Your Media Kit

By now, you have probably heard about the importance of having a media kit to showcase your work to the world, but what should you include in your media kit? That’s a very common question! Whether you are creating your media kit from scratch or simply looking to improve yours, follow these steps to stand out from the crowd.

What is a Media Kit and Why Do You Need One?

As a content creator or influencer, your media kit is a document you create to showcase your skills and experience throughout your journey.

It becomes a deal-breaker that potential clients use to determine whether they want to collaborate with you or not. This is why it is perhaps the most critical marketing tool in your arsenal.

Stay with us as we present you with some examples of the non-negotiable pages to incorporate into your portfolio!

10 Must-Have Pages to Highlight in Your Media Kit

The tool you use to create it is key. Consider utilizing Canva to craft your media kit as it provides user-friendly templates that can make your portfolio look appealing and professional with ease.

Once you are familiar with Canva, it's time to determine what pages to include in your media kit. Don’t worry, we have compiled a complete list for you below.


1. Build a Beautiful Cover

The colors, images, and information used on the cover can say a lot about your personality and work. In addition to checking your social media, your potential client will form an impression of your design skills from your presentation document.

The most important thing is to create something that is pleasing to the eye and truly demonstrates your preferences and interests when it comes to communication.

2. Include a Short Biography or Brand Story

 As the saying goes, first impressions are everything, and your bio is often the first thing people see when they come across your media kit. 

When crafting it, it's important to keep your personal brand in mind. So, you might want to reply in a few words, to the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • What does set you apart from others in your niche?


    You should aim to make your content original and engaging so that your audience becomes curious to learn more about you.


    3. Add Metrics and Social Media Statistics

    Make it tangible! Share engagement and reach across your platforms. This will provide a clear picture of your impact on your audience. 

    Let us give you some suggestions that could improve your work in this section:

    • Focus only on active platforms that you actually work with, in order to include metrics.
    • Add visual representations, such as screenshots or any other source of truth you might have.
    • Include as many details as you want such as % likes, views, reach or more.
    • Update your high-quality visual representations when presenting your media kit.


      When presenting your numbers to others, transparency is key. Although your numbers may fluctuate from day to day, it's important to showcase your average performance to give others an accurate idea of your reach and what you can offer to them. 

      Resist the temptation to only display your highest numbers, as this can create unrealistic expectations.


      4. Include Audience Demographics

      Sometimes, numbers alone are not enough to convince potential collaborators or sponsors. It's equally important to provide context and audience demographics that demonstrate the relevance of your content to your target audience.

      It should include detailed information on your audience demographics, such as:

      • Age range
      • Gender
      • Location
      • Interests

        This data not only gives potential partners a better understanding of your audience but also helps to determine if your content aligns with their brand's target audience.


        5. Integrate Social Proof

        In today's world, where everyone has a voice and opinions are shared freely, it's not enough to just talk the talk. You need to show that you're the real deal, and that's where social proof comes in. Show that you have a history of delivering quality work. 

        One of the best ways to provide social proof is through testimonials from satisfied clients or any other type of recognition that will give you credibility. 

        Show that you are their best option with your greatest evidence!


        6. Embrace Previous Collaborations

        Highlight your previous collaborations by displaying the logos of the brands that have trusted your work in the past on a different page. Whether they're big or small name brands or the type of contract you had with them, showcasing your collaborations is an important part of your experience and work. 

        Remember, every collaboration adds value to your portfolio, so don't hesitate to include them.


        7. Feature Your Best Visuals and Creative Skills

        This is where you can demonstrate what you can do for them with content. Your ability to create quality work that:

        • Engages
        • Attracts followers
        • Increases sales 

          Keep in mind, the way you present your assets to the world speaks about them too, so it's important to ensure that the way you communicate aligns with their brand and values. Share your best content!


          8. Include Your Pricing & Services

          To create a service and pricing section, you'll want to start by making a menu that lists each service you offer and its corresponding price. 


          9. Illustrate Your Unique Personality

          This is a friendly reminder to invest in your personal brand and design a professional media kit. Here are some essential tips on things to consider when designing your portfolio:

          • Use fonts, graphic elements, and colors that are aesthetic and represent you, and ensure they are consistent across all your media channels.
          • Create visually appealing and high-quality content, including photos, videos, and infographics.
          • Use engaging and conversational language in your bio and content to showcase your unique voice and personality.


            As an overall Incorporate personal anecdotes and examples to make your content relatable and memorable. To make you unique!


            10. Share Your Contact Details

            We highly recommend including a "call to action" section at the footer of your media kit to encourage potential collaborators to stay in touch with you.  This is a critical aspect of your portfolio, and it deserves a dedicated page. Here are some essential pointers to include in this section:

            • Social Media
            • Phone Number 
            • Email Address

              Make sure to keep your information up-to-date and use this to encourage potential collaborators to take the next steps to work with you.


              All in all, incorporating these 10 essential content pieces in your media kit can help boost your personal brand and land collaborations with your dream brands. Don't forget to follow us on social media for more helpful content like this, and let's stay connected!

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